Checkin in..
Haha midwestern here and thanks.. preach!
Hands down!
The crescendo.. the buildup jas been grand! What i cannot wait to see is if it pops and like an old innertube it just slowly w/o any excitement lets out the air.. or is it gunna be a full on seige on hideouts/bunkers w ww manhunts and multinational forces scouring the globe..
It doesnt get any better than this!
I will raise you and thanks for the covfefe much appreciated.. this whole week has been great, last week till now. Can tell the quickening is happening. To be honest it is moving fast enough we need the beebrains here to put it all together
I or whoever needs to start a database thread. Been killing me.. i want to know where these fuckers are storing data and what they were doing w it.
So what was cuckerberg getting in return for end-running national policy? Thats treason is it not?!
Hell yes!
Was she hot?
Putin even switched to German to shut the msm troll down..
Can proress be deadly? Surely w modern medicine..
Adam says.. handsome groipnof gentlemen.. must be the hair!