ThanQ Baker!
If is still gone.
I meanโฆ that guy was outed and fired, not like he hasn't time to start it up again.
I think had issues during the baker wars, which breads to cull and such.
Anons just need todig, meme, pray, bakers have their own things to be concerned with: Making sense of our shitposting.
Jekyll Island reader I see.
When banksters started controlling countries, mid 1500s, its gone downhill since. Cycles of debt and war. Anon believes Masons control the captains of industry, the same way CIA/Hefner did. Catch them doing bad things, laud it over them for control.
Its a FAMILY Tradition
CIA fags fucked around and found out.
Seems like adult cartoons are.
Consider truths dropped on Archer, Family Guy, South Park.