Thank you, Baker!
Macron lost the majority? What?
She's probably seen some shit as a model. Not the best picture for her eyes too. First one I found at the start of the bread where she's not in a bikini so I grabbed that one.
Nice halfchan file naming.
Yeah, you're not talking to who you think you're talking to, brilliant one. Filtered.
I accept these burdens as The Republic bleeds.
I accept these burdens knowing no fear.
I accept these burdens as an Anon of The Plan.
Being a ghost in the machine would be an amazing job I imagine, but I'm more than content to be a fart in the machine.
> but if you truly want to get your truth to your target audience, then don't treat your audience like shit, and don't be a Jerk.
It's not about convincing us though, it's about making us submit.
Did you know who Schiff was before Q started posting?
Your filter-fu is strong, anons. Show them.
Now you're thinking with portals, anon.
Dayshift, nightshift, it all just blends into shift.
Hey, No Such Agency. This one's for you. :)
No matter what they tell you, anons.
No matter how many times they tell you there are five lights.
Stand firm.
The more you filter the noise, the comfier it becomes.
I normally don't, but today is a good day to filter.
Hold my beer and watch this.
Aww… they're scared. Come on. One of you retards absolute has to have some courage.
When I think of how this war will be viewed in the future, specifically the role this board played, I can't help but wonder how future generations will view the ginger mound and how important it was.
The copium is being dispensed. KEK!
If the IP hopping here is any indication, then that UID count is guaranteed inflated. Thank you, come again.
There are also no wolves on Fenris.
Why would Q need you to pick up your phone when he can just view you through your laptop or phone camera? He's the ghost of ghosts in the machine.
All my cameras are covered with red tape, so anyone that looks through them sees nothing but red. Or black if I have the lights off. I leave the mics still active so they can hear me masturbate.
Hear hear