9-11 research - Gold, Silver, Jesuits and Giuliani's role - Giuliani was Flipped not Freed
9-11 research - Gold, Silver, Jesuits and Giuliani's role - Giuliani was Flipped not Freed
Imagine this as a 10 year delta
It would be a lot Qewler if Anons read the Drops
These kids and shills, who usually have not read the drops, need something moar current (you) know?
According to the drops, there is only one [P] but there might be moar…..
and [P] might not be the Master yet it seems we have a decent bead on what [P] =.
The real question for Anons, considering the size of this massive huge slide, is "Why THE FUCK Does ANYONE still follow INTHEPAYTRIXXX?'''
"What was the goal in BEGGING ANONS TO BELIEVE that P absolutely must = Payseur???"