And that's just for not being funny….
There you have it!
Why would they dismantle that with which they are joined at the hip?
Did he order the hit on Assange?
Or all those other invaders,
such as MS-13?
So many Hispanic people work at these plants,
who would notice an MS-13 bato?
Live in an urban area?
haven't been able to watch any movies for years.
Once you know,
you can't unknow it.
Then you start noticing how the music messes with your mind,
even your heart rate.
It actually acts as a control mechanism,
telling you when to cry,
when to laugh,
when to be frightened,
when to be angry,
It's mind rape.
And people let it happen,
believing they are being entertained by these nice people.
They never have been and never will be our friends.
This is exactly why the Occupier of the Off Circle Office is placing these gangs in strategic areas.
They are assigned to take out infrastructure,
and who knows what else is in works for them to do.
She will no longer laugh once she stands before the Judgment Seat of God.