It's the Jews. Trump's retard daughter is married to a hardcore Jew.
That's the thing that makes me suspicious that this whole Q thing is a psyop. This drop means that Sorors takes orders from the Pope. But the vatican doesn't run things. Jews do. It's the fuckin' Jews. Always has been.
But it is the jews.
the jews sunk the titanic
answer this. Do you believe the Holocaust was real or not? If you think the Holocaust actually happened then we have nothing to talk about.
Niggers are just dumb animals used by the Jew to destroy white civilization.
Dinosaurs aren't real. Did you know that a fully intact dinosaur skeleton has never been found?
I agree, but around here only shills say "negroid", so filtered for being a shill.
When made you first realize that niggers are genetically inferior?
Written by Jews. Fuck that.
I just had a beautiful dream and I wish I could live in there.
Fuckin' Jews.