That's from IN SHADOW. Love it.
literal infanticide is on the lawbooks. Fuck the people calling it abortion rights, it's actually kill your infant for money, which is never a right while also guarantee of life is a right as well. You morons are guaranteeing the loss of your own right to life by being willing to kill babies post birth even, by "leaving it up your doctor" - We have tried a similar matter on the lawbooks with leaving a medical decision to the doctor. Pot doctors. Much like them there will be 'abortion' doctors that kill children.
When 'abortion' is being applied post birth even, you're stupid as fuck if you wait to 'abort' after your BABY lives inside you. That's evil, and you know it is. Stop conflating the two. That's what you're doing and you know that too.
>waits until baby
>let's kill it because I'm a fucking retard!
>whaddya mean my government no longer respects rights, what happened?
>oh, I helped like a moron