that's scary, man! any way that I hold my hand, the fingers are making an M! Look, they are doing it now!
The only thing we champion is freedom. and that included free speech. The pictures are open sourced, readily found on google. it is NOT illegal nor sexual abusive to post pictures of young people. IN fact, I am going to give you more freedom because cuntiness deserved to be trolled.
You'll just have to ignore the stock photo watermarks.
You will NOT make this board into reddit#2. NOT. The chans are the last free speech on the internet, and only illegal things are disallowed. Take your fee-fees out, rethink what free speech means before you return.
no no no no no no no
Newfag, do NOT start bringing your vag into the discussion. This board values you ONLY on your ideas and opinions and the worth of your words. Woman points do NOT matter. the minute you claim woman points, you cease to be anonymous. Your words need to have value on their own merit. Your opinions matter, not your body parts.
this is a legal photo found on google search. stop with the SJW tactic of making something out of nothing
your dramatic overreactive hyperbole does not work here. have a photo of what I think of that noise
there is nothing wrong with this photo. The gutter-think exists only in your mind.
anons, I think we have a new shill tactic we haven't seen before.
Now that's how we know you're a plant.
its an alamy stock photo. you are an sjw retard. filter it yourself.
Im a halfchan/polack migrant to infinity. you know, the people who you tell not to do something, and of course they do it more. trolling shills is my specialty. have some more
>we do not care about them on qresearch
look up. see that 8ch in the url? You're on the chans, that's our territory. You dont get to come in and change chan free speech culture. Use your brain to do your filtering, or use the filter tools. but no, chan do not stop because you demand it.
only illegal things are prohibited from posting. all else is acceptable. you need to recognize this
what the fuck is wrong with you, seeing evil in these stock photos? anyone who would look at a small girl and think evil thoughts, is the asscheese
oh noess!!!
ak anons, my /polacking aside, anon asked me yesterday for a cleaned clock so he could work it new. delivers.
Its an infinity chan hotel!
dont forget there's a YUGE difference between shill and troll, anon
the best trolling, is trolling shills
>they see me trollin' they be hatin'
Just all so many good things have been co-opted and corrupted and infiltrated, it may be that the Masonic organizations have been too. It pains me to say it, since at all 1-32nd levels they work hard and believe they are doing good, building hospitals and raising money and contributing to their communities.
BUT, that 33rd levelโฆ
the Masons fomented our American Revolution, were instrumental in our new government and its ideas of freedom. THAT is not the same nowโฆ.their mission changed over the years, and now they are fundraisers. They do like they have been comped at the top. All the members believe they are doing good, collecting money, using it for charity. I hope that, like our government, the bad parts can be cleaned out and leave the good foundation.
no, I just shopped/replace color and got rid of the blue dots signifying Q posts so another anon could work another clock cypher solution
definitely not by people mailing in! that's their database but not their customers, it can't be! there aren't even that many mormons in the US, they love that stuff, but they use