Addition to alledged Dutch PM visit to GEOTUS July 2nd.
FYI Moar on The Netherlands
Dutch PM is closet-gay, lives secretly with male, denies this.
Dutch press is CNN on steroids: pro EU echo chamber
censorship level in Netherlands comparable to former Sovjet Union
Netherlands: DeepState Central, Top CP producer, low punishments (if any) for pedo's, pedo's infiltrated on every level of government/society/press/entertainment.Society has extremely high level of control. Even public transport almost impossible without ID.
king/queen related to nazi party, into banking, friends with all the "usual suspect". Under Obama: complete US vasal state.
non-democratic. Largest party PVV (freedom party) lead by Geert Wilders being kept out of government by leftist obstruction.
murder attempt at Geert Wilders in US while visiting GEOTUS election related event.
local news on all levels strongly anti-trump.
high level of (illegal) immigrants, usually muslims
no go zones, high and growing number of complete veiled females in public places.
public servants openly wearing muslim veils etc.
"hate speech", criticizing muslims or royalty will result in imprisonment.
citizens have no 2nd amendment. Aren't even allowed to defend against burglar with baseball bat etc. Results in jail time 4 home owner.
abortion: allowed. Euthanasia: encouraged (kill yourself kits can be sent to your home) Organ donorship: mandatory unless people make official objection. Education: state run MKultra starting at age 4.
In short: Netherlands is one big FEMA-camp
Q team: when you can spare the time: feel free to come and fix things.
Thank you.