Anonymous ID: bd0640 June 6, 2018, 5:20 a.m. No.1648964   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9028 >>9216 >>9491




Addition to alledged Dutch PM visit to GEOTUS July 2nd.

FYI Moar on The Netherlands

  • Dutch PM is closet-gay, lives secretly with male, denies this.

  • Dutch press is CNN on steroids: pro EU echo chamber

  • censorship level in Netherlands comparable to former Sovjet Union

  • Netherlands: DeepState Central, Top CP producer, low punishments (if any) for pedo's, pedo's infiltrated on every level of government/society/press/entertainment.Society has extremely high level of control. Even public transport almost impossible without ID.

  • king/queen related to nazi party, into banking, friends with all the "usual suspect". Under Obama: complete US vasal state.

  • non-democratic. Largest party PVV (freedom party) lead by Geert Wilders being kept out of government by leftist obstruction.

  • murder attempt at Geert Wilders in US while visiting GEOTUS election related event.

  • local news on all levels strongly anti-trump.

  • high level of (illegal) immigrants, usually muslims

  • no go zones, high and growing number of complete veiled females in public places.

  • public servants openly wearing muslim veils etc.

  • "hate speech", criticizing muslims or royalty will result in imprisonment.

  • citizens have no 2nd amendment. Aren't even allowed to defend against burglar with baseball bat etc. Results in jail time 4 home owner.

  • abortion: allowed. Euthanasia: encouraged (kill yourself kits can be sent to your home) Organ donorship: mandatory unless people make official objection. Education: state run MKultra starting at age 4.

In short: Netherlands is one big FEMA-camp


Q team: when you can spare the time: feel free to come and fix things.

Thank you.