Hi Anons, I have been spending some time scouring the vicinity of the Cemex plant and surrounding areas using satellite images and strava. There are not many fresh tracks leading from the plant to distant places like summit , the casino, or the airfield…yes, it is possible without a doubt. But visible evidence of consistent traffic is not there.
I did find a couple of interesting things tho…
Pic#1 Lots of fresh tracks driving to the SW corner of property and then turning around. Not at all unusual in a truck yard…but…there is a well-worn footpath that leads outside of the cemex plant.
Pic#2 Footpath leads to something on interest in the wooded area. It is well worn and it does not look like a path through the woods as I do not see an exit that is well worn like the entrance. Also, of note, if you look at the wider "road" to the north of the footpath you can see vehicle tracks and footprints…none of them veer off toward our point of interest. They all go straight on by. This might be a point of interest for the boots on the ground.