>>16494408 PB
>driving while intoxicated is considered a crime
Unless you are a Pelosi, then it's not a crime.
>>16494408 PB
>driving while intoxicated is considered a crime
Unless you are a Pelosi, then it's not a crime.
LGBTQ+ is a cult looking for converts and using tax payer's money to do it.
>to hire servicemen and women being forced out of the U.S. military over the federal vaccine mandate
Then her security team is only allowed to use muskets.
And cops are only allowed to use muskets.
And the military is only allowed to use muskets. By her asinine reasoning.
Including swords and knives.
People were slaughtering each other way before guns were ever invented.
Now they gonna have a FF at a school that has mostly Black kids?
The Shit will really hit the fan.
Especially if the shooter is an evil White Guy wearing a MAGA hat.
Cities will burn.
In the 1970s there was no such thing as An Active Shooter Drill in schools.
Where did all of these crazy people come from?
C!A MK Ultra mind controlled zombies?
I thought he hit him on the head with a rock.
We should outlaw arms.
From now on, strong men are no longer allowed to use their arms.
Too dangerous.
And spit wads.
Spit wads as bio weapons.
Who would have thought?
Maybe that is the real reason they want to outlaw straws.
Lots of Conservatives in Blue States don't bother to vote any more because they know that their vote doesn't count anyways.
Been that way for decades.
Nothing new.
The corruption is too deep.
5 minutes is the extent of my attention span.
If you can't say what you need to say in 5 minutes or less, then you need to edit.
This guy spent the first minute saying nothing, so I didn't listen to anything further than that.
I have no patience for ramblers.
Say what you need to say and be done with it.
Public Speaking 101 - The first couple of sentences that come out of your mouth need to grab the attention of you audience.
Don't talk about what you're gonna talk about. Just spit it out already.
2016, when Trump won, was the only election in decades that was NOT rigged.
Every election before that, going back to at least 1960, was rigged for the Illusion of Choice Game. They even thought that they could control Reagan.
2016 was a One Time Deal to keep Killery out of the Oval Office and Save America.
The shills eventually reveal themselves when they resort to name calling, they just can't help themselves.
By all means,
continue to vote in Rigged Elections,
we want the Illusion of Choice Game to continue as long as possible.
We love Patsies.
ie Airport, Courthouse, Trump rallies
Where armed security are available to screen and disarm anyone entering a building or venue?
A sign saying No Guns Allowed doesn't quite do the trick.
That didn't work so good at the Harvest concert in Las Vegas though, where someone supposedly was shooting out of a hotel window.
Did get this guy murdered by a cop though.
"Do these 17 things,
and if you don't do them the right way, we're going to kill you."
Make Kinzinger the Joker in the pack of cards.
Maybe they were planning to actually use planes, but then went with explosives instead?
or both?
I have seen nature shows where the male will eat the unguarded babies. Maybe not his own offspring, idk. Might have not been tigers. Might have been some other predator. Maybe bears.