'EU' countries are suffering because of ((('sanctions'))) against Russia for invading a country not even in the 'EU'.
Christians can see Jesus so they know that he is real.
those that only see darkness are inside the (((inbred))) anubis.
I 'have issue' with child rapists not getting drowned.
not even Jesus has 'unconditional love' because Jesus orders drowning for all child rapists.
I don't 'need to read the bible to understand that no human or God should ever make it possible for a child rapist to rape more children or they are nothing but a dog to be drowned.
no 'forgiving' for a child committing suicide because it is raped.
((('the chosen ones'))) ~ ((('the unselects')))
>'Jesus did not come to judge.'
I will eternally try to kill all (((inbreds))) and child rapists to protect my children.
if I was sexually abused as a child I would have killed myself not to dishonor Jesus by ยจnormalizing' child rape and ending up in hell with child rapists and (((inbreds))).