>>16499117 (pb)
and yet…
people in USA seem to think 1917 laws apply globally when it comes to USA doing own War Crimes (which are actually crimes).
it's only free speech in the west that is at stake.
move along, nuffin to see 'er
>>16499117 (pb)
and yet…
people in USA seem to think 1917 laws apply globally when it comes to USA doing own War Crimes (which are actually crimes).
it's only free speech in the west that is at stake.
move along, nuffin to see 'er
Just another (diff colour) echo chamber, installing rules to ensure containment of "correct" echos.
So we have Twat on left & TS on right…
looks like divide & conquer to me.
left vs right, male vs female, white vs everyone,
same same, but different
aka out of same playbook.
so obvious, well I think so.
But what would i know, I'm just a movie critic.
fwiw taiwan is actually "china", the original chinese nationals were kicked out of mainland & fled to island.
1000's years history in that part of world.
100% it's #weThePeople VS deep state (aka USA & MIC)
Ruskies have won already, UK & USA don't have more ammo to send (to be taken out in target practice on trains by ruskies)
EU will either freeze or starve.
putin pegged gold @ 5K/g for a reason.
NWo is done.
yea my spanners used to be stamped "taiwan", wern't bad for the cost.
then the world changed, 9 islands became "territory", and we sit on the brink (of something)
but I fear taiwan will go the way of HK, like it or not. bloody or not.
just like i hate the way kmart do facial recognition. Some sh!t I can't change.
going back to bed.
JC learned to "swim" in the east growing up.
the hebrews had never seen such a thing when shown.
They had no word for what HE was doing, so they used best def they could "walking on water".
sh!t gets lost in translation.
I got a (you) on nice digits, thought I'm mention it fwiw (nothing?)
or visa versa?
yea, back in the day, cave man woke up & realised ball in sky must be a "god" of some sort, coming & going every 12hrs.
a "god" because he could not explain it.
So he prayed to it & the moon & everything else he didn't understand.
All religion is "man made"
As for the mob that wandered the deserts for 100's years (couldn't find way out?) telling oral stories…
aka bunch of goat humping camel jockies, sitting around smoking ganga telling campfire stories.
They even convinced themselves they were the "chosen ones" haha
>We have armed Taiwan to the teeth.
I don't doubt is selling arms is profitable business.
take a peek at ukraine & the whole world shipped most of their pantry stock to them.
putin used the arms as target practice.
so when taiwan runs out of ammo (chyna has a lot) what then?
like I said could get bloody, but at end of day HK lost, so will taiwan.
winners are MIC
oh yeah.
just wish my nokia 5110 worked on 3g.
if people dump smartphones, "their" plan would fail. is that likely to happen?
saw a crypto dev paper re ID proof" without giving away ID or any personal info.
Interesting app imho
or "don't fart"
did someone buy all those old yahoo messenger & myspace apps?
didn't think so.
twatter is ~50% BS accounts, elon would be stupid (maybe?) to pay orig offer.
Will he or won't he? my take is it will reveal if EM is White or Black hat
I think anons could do more.
maybe should do more?
seems hive mind has probs with "direction" without a "leader" dropping guide posts.
maybe need a top 10, research list?
just a thought
Seems you have USA "perspective" on warfare.
all so "old school" imho.
all electronic these days.
it's an island.
less bloody that way also.
could still cut off food & aid with naval blockade I suppose.
But Taiwan has the chip machines.
take them out of equation & maybe chyna has less interest?
In other news, Saudi Arabia has exported sharia law to london, there will be stonings in the streets.
USA should stick their DOMESTIC espy act up their ass.
looks like you forgot the "C" in front of that.
Let me correct for you.
pompass is a c_unt
Yeah was also going to be that way.
chyna would take HK back, simply due to opium memories.
Interesting part for me, was HK was a global center for finance, mostly with the west.
yet markets saw barely a ripple when HK fell. Like I said interesting
Without election, what does one have?
A "dictatorship", you know like Idi Amin, Sadam etc, oh and USA presidency….you know all those Exec orders… that is what "dictators" do.
Democracies pass laws in other ways, not at on man (or womans) discresion.
Why can't USA see that? Strange.
Anyone would think USA was 4th Reich, maybe it is? They all "salute" like brown shirts did. Hand on heart VS Arm out stretched is same same (see roman history on salutes)
"not currently deployed" I think is the term.
however does it have to be that way?
Does hive mind allow progress without a "leader"?
Lunch time in Ukraine?
Its electronics, small screwdrivers, careful dissection, cut the bluewire.
play youtube music to cover some & don't talk near computer (on or off)
oh & pull the standby on TV, that red LED on front is a camera (I sh!t you not!)
you been chipped?
got a 5g phone?
We all need to pull the plug, go do gardening aka put head in sand. or not
Well I'm out of options.
Scary sh!t please wear a mask & don't spread whatever (they) have infected you with :-)