praise the lord.
fuck off faggot.
KEK. oh man that has to happen .
portland andy might show some
wish some reporter with balls would ask her about her own shit city with the shit problem.
i think they are ready to go tonight. If they have the protesters in place they have the rioters in place also.
kek. I hate all these fucks. Hell is too good for them
so are all cities up for riots or only those in conservative states?
well because it is not really about abortion and choice. They used to want it safe legal and rare. Like in the case of rape/incest but they wanted more and more and more and more, to make it on demand and after birth. It is murder plain and simple, and the issue is we have generations of people who think of it as a science experiment to be removed vs a life. The perception has changed and for people who say they claim they know science they are ignoring the very facts of life.
shes is pissed her supply is going to dry up.