Would everyone PLEASE stop responding to red text whiny faggot? A fire that has no fuel will burn out eventually.
Tobacco is not dangerous. The shit ton of chemicals they add to it since gov started “regulating” tobacco are dangerous
I have to agree. That shit is getting old. Just bake if you’re gonna and stfu. This isn’t fucking boot camp ffs
I don’t care what it is. It needs to be ignored out of existence.
Everything the government takes over and controls is done so they can kill you outright or kill you slowly and sell you treatments for the shot they’re killing you with. Don’t @ me GK
Al Greene from Tx. Spelling my not be right.
Yet you have no sauce for any of your postings, glowfag. Stir that pot amirite?
The muh Jew shills are out in force tonight. Trying to get the board shut down. Fuck you.