Anonymous ID: b245f9 June 6, 2018, 9:55 a.m. No.1650577   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0591

Facebook Admits It Whored User Data To Huawei And Other Chinese Firms


The intricacies of Facebook's full data collection and sharing policies are not really known outside of the social network, but it is safe to assume that your information changes hands. Facebook does not hide this tidbit, even if the full scope is not known. What is known, however, is that Facebook has data sharing deals with four Chinese companies, perhaps more, including Huawei, Lenovo, Oppo, and TCL.

Anonymous ID: b245f9 June 6, 2018, 10:53 a.m. No.1651160   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1203



How Philadelphia Eagles’ Owner Jeffrey Lurie Almost Funded The Left Press


quarterback who started the movement.)


“It’s a big problem in America, social injustice,” said Lurie early in the 2017 season, USA Today reported. “Anybody who wants to do proactive things, to try to reverse social injustice, I’m all in favor.”


In 2003, when Rush Limbaugh suggested that the Eagles quarterback Donovan McNabb was overrated because he’s black, Lurie criticized the “institutional racism” of ESPN, which had hired Limbaugh to be a football commentator. Limbaugh, who obviously was chosen by ESPN as a ratings magnet and not for any football expertise, was ultimately fired over his McNabb comments.


“There is clearly a problem and the problem doesn’t go away with the firing of Rush Limbaugh,” Lurie responded at a press conference, as quoted by The Los Angeles Times. “The problem, in my opinion, and I think in many people’s opinions, is when you are in the business of hiring people like that or portraying athletes in a primarily African American sport and want to completely disengage from reality in the seeking of ratings, it is a sad story.”


But almost nobody knows that Lurie, prior to becoming owner of the Eagles, expressed serious interest in funding Z, the lefty magazine.


A couple of years after the launch of Z, Lurie showed up the magazine’s office, as Z co-founder Michael Albert recalled in his memoir, Remembering Tomorrow: From SDS to Life After Capitalism.


“One day … a fellow about my age knocked at the door where we then lived in Boston’s South End,” explained Albert, who ran Z with this comrade, Lydia Sargent. “The home housed Z Magazine as well as Lydia and me, and our visitor asked if he could have some of our time. He came in, and we conversed for a couple of hours. Our mystery guest, Jeff Lurie, wanted to help Z become more visible. Indeed, he wanted to help us become like ‘a left Newsweek.’ He told us about his political identification with Z and about his prior trip to Vietnam to see the war’s aftermath for himself. He explained that he had the means to help us, being born of a very wealthy family.”