Anons… here we go. Ready to understand Future Proves Past, Fake News, et al?
So the APC chase last night connected a LOT of dots. If you look, there were only 2 source videos for that story last night.
What we saw on Twatter was an ESCORT of an APC by state police. Why an escort? So that they could have sauce to go with the story.
The REAL story was of that same event except it happened on another [19]. The reports from yesterday said I-19 in Virginia.
If you dig, you can find another APC chase from [H]-19 In TUCSON, ARIZONA. Click with any recent habbenings lately???
This is what the fake news does. They recycle old stories, much like they do with movies bc they're stupid and lazy, yet either
fake the event entirely so word of mouth can spread or they MK some poor schmuck to do it so word of mouth can spread. It's ALL about
word of mouth. Some spread it word of mouth because they were there. Most spread it word of mouth because they watched it on the news.
Does this click for anyone else?