Anonymous ID: fa69a6 June 6, 2018, 9:56 a.m. No.1650586   🗄️.is 🔗kun

As Syria crumbles, gov’t pushes plan to develop Golan, increase population


Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon endorsed a new plan on Wednesday to rapidly develop the Golan Heights and raise its population from 22,000 to 100,000 within a decade. The plan, which was written by Deputy Minister Michael Oren, calls for forming an inter-ministerial committee led by Finance Ministry Director-General Shai Babad to improve the quality of life in the Golan and bring more tourists to the area.

(more) VVV

Anonymous ID: fa69a6 June 6, 2018, 10:09 a.m. No.1650699   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Physicians offered cash bribes to achieve 63% immunization rate of children while pushing anti-science flu shot propaganda


If you’ve ever wondered why your doctor is always so keen to encourage your family to get the flu shot every year, you can stop wondering, because the answer is very simple: Money. Activist Post is reporting that the Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Blue Care Network of Michigan publishes an annual report openly declaring how much they give doctors in kickbacks each year for ordering tests, prescribing medications and, of course, pushing vaccines. And it’s a lot of money.


If, for example, family doctors can get at least 63 percent of their patients to vaccinate their kids while they’re under the age of 2, they will receive a kickback of $400 per patient.


Cognitive Truths does the math:


The average American pediatrician has 1546 patients, though some pediatricians see many more. The vast majority of those patients are very young, perhaps because children transition to a family physician or stop visiting the doctor at all as they grow up. … Blue Cross Blue Shield pays pediatricians $400 per fully vaccinated child. If your pediatrician has just 100 fully-vaccinated patients turning 2 this year, that’s $40,000.


You might well be thinking that health insurers and pharmaceutical manufacturers are only incentivizing doctors in this way in the interests of public health. Except, they all know that not only are many vaccines ineffective, but most are also downright harmful. (Related: Find out all you need to know about the dangers of vaccines at


In 2016, NBC News reported that the FluMist nasal spray flu vaccine, which accounted for about 30 percent of all flu vaccines administered to children in the preceding years, was in fact almost completely ineffective. During the 2015 flu season, for example, FluMist had only proven effective for three percent of patients. (Though you can be sure the doctors kept pushing it year after year even when they saw it wasn’t working, because of all those kickbacks.)


Flu vaccines are already among some of the most ineffective of all vaccines, simply because it is impossible to make a flu vaccine that matches circulating strains of influenza for the season, because they can, and often do, change every year.


And flu shots are not only useless; they’re also downright dangerous.


When Mike Adams, the founder/editor of Natural News, tested the Flulaval flu vaccine back in 2014, he found that it contained shockingly high levels of toxic mercury. Tests revealed mercury levels of 51 parts per million – 25,000 times higher than the maximum level of inorganic mercury that the EPA allows in drinking water.


So, why this great push for children, the most vulnerable of all patients, to receive dozens of vaccines and for doctors to be rewarded for administering them?


The fact is, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which is responsible for establishing the childhood vaccine schedule, holds patents on multiple vaccines and has a vested interest in as many people as possible receiving them each year.


And who knows what kind of incentives the pharmaceutical giants might be dishing out to those in positions of power who determine which vaccines are “vital” to public health? One thing’s for sure: With doctors receiving wads of cash for pushing vaccines, it’s hardly surprising that more and more of them are refusing to accept patients who choose not to vaccinate their children.

Anonymous ID: fa69a6 June 6, 2018, 10:17 a.m. No.1650773   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0830

Socialist Shills are out inforce

But, they certainly don't want to talk about their


it totally evaporated yesterday