Did not used to be that way.
And dart running through deleting posts left and right.
>When did POTUS, Scavino or Nunes ever verify a Q post?
>red text also sus
>Your entire post of red text is sus as fuck, faggot
>kill yourself shill
Totally not shill response to serious questions about these "Q" posts.
Until we have a delta with PDJT like Q ALWAYS DID TO VERIFY. This is f&g jewish tricks.
>When did POTUS, Scavino or Nunes ever verify a Q post?
>red text also sus
>Your entire post of red text is sus as fuck, faggot
>Fuck off, absolute retard. We see you.
Hmm. Weird how the same crew that have been attacking anons for months that Jim handed the board to are the ones attacking anyone that even questions the validity of these Q posts. Anons used to be more interested in verifying truth, not falling all over themselves.
>Go fuck yourself
Why you so mad bro, if this is really legit Q posting your anger seems so over the top??