i honestly hope people start shooting back at fbi
The use of force was the FBI, the use of Self defense is shooting back.
I don't condone use of force either.
I pray the Agents get fucked up that do it.
also you didn't bother to read the fucking story you just played "concern troll"
Fuck you
Since your ASS can't fucking read.
> test our preparedness.
FBI (which shouldn't exist) shit failed.
FBI misses RIGHT THIS SECON NOW, commie marxist socialist globalist nazi fascist maoist lenonist terrorist pedoist eugenicist and identity frauds.
The peaceful solution is de-activate and defund FBI/DOJ/SES what ever their mission is it seems to be fucking Americans.
one day your gona test the wrong person who don't want your test.
I can fix this in 24 hours. with a new LAW and OATH.
oath: I swear to fight against commie marxist socialist globalist terrorist maoist lenonist nazist eugenicist fascist pedoist and identity frauds +old oath+ so help me god. Change law to reflect this with some teeth and short time say “24 hours” to wind down connections to these new national security threats the founding fathers missed.