18 seconds of pure lunatic. Done.
18 seconds of pure lunatic. Done.
So as a heart attack survivor who can't handle this stress of lunitics, do I have a right to shoot thru the glass if they attack my vehicle and I fear for my life?
Mrs "Into the streets?"
also how is the freeway the streets?
OR is the leader just fucking retarded communists.
And what did the streets or the freeway do to change roe v wade?
It's a reason to attack innocent people?
Seems more like beginning of civil war.
what will you use to hurt the clown?
Do you have a MAGA overdrive ready to go or you just talking shit again
feels like the board got slid hard today.
Cicada + defango = whatโฆ
FOr the record, I think Defango meant well in the past at least when it cam to the NGP_VAN file
You have it up now what difference does it make
Fuck I used to delete shit in databases all the time. Fucked munged shit somehow crackers put in there.
>get crazy, real crazy
Meditation and living without barking commands at fellow humans is out of the question then?
All I know is this Latest Q event has distrupted the board with a slide. Now should this turn out to be a good thing, I am not to judge, I'm only saying it's caused nothing but endless noise and argument where we yesterday at least had a few topics we followed. Like Klaush Schawb King HeartBurn, IG Farben, amazing Polly, Webby, Prather and others.
I don't know what the future brings but if we can't get on the same page without following lasers like a Cat, we might as well be posting music videos.
Just sayin.
>Jim, Ron, Austin Steinbart, Babyfist & Qanon Shaman all connected.
let's pretend for a moment that's true.
Boom we go into your universe, your statement is true.
SO, what's your point? What do you want? What's to be done? Does anything need to be done? Why does something need to be done?
Poof back to real world.
Otherwise it's just more fucking noise that MSNBC can call QAnon crazy with.
heh If I ran the server I wouldn't tell you shit.
yeah that's another thing. the Q Larps take away from discussion in a meaningful way about Q-Clearance that covers Nuke and Bioweapons. The confusion noise is not helpful.
While waiting two more weeks for the Q larp to die down why not check on Tommy's Garage and take a political/comedy break
Man total lunatics.
Watch tommys garage instead I say. Be glad you don't live in LA (the center of the Lunatic universe.)
>lot of shills here planting doubt
Q should be planting confidence and not callling his t arget audienceโฆ. what did you say shills. how does calling people shills who ask for evidence of whatever Q is supposed to do. WHat is that "? LOck them up? two more weeks? just saying.
I have open mind but Effectiveness is measure of truth. This will suss out one way or the other, Might as well watch Tommys Garage. LEss drama than being attacked for asking questions about somthing that should be courting US without EGO.
You know what would convince me someone in government was on our side.
Put a little green gif up on defense.gov/
a red one