You are a clown.
14 posts? You are The Corporation marketing screw de jour.
I am your pimp's nightmare. You are not worthy of being Jim Traficant's toupee.
Go be a jealous rodent somewhere else. Cuba already has everything you want.
Make Sri Lanka Great Again
Glad you are paying attention.
Abortion would not be an issue now if the WEF governors had not pushed for late term and post birth infanticide. The Pelosi mafia just lost what they already had. Bigly.
This is not New Eyes. This is a C_A marketing shill doing research on how to best consume us.
Gangster "government" and "organized religion" in a nutshell.
This is [they're] algorithm since AFAYAC forever: 2 degrees: the laity "useful idiots" and the inner "magic" circle. The 3rd degree is for you - you are cattle. Then they overwhelm by multiplying the number of "clubs" they use on the goyim.
I want to be Amish. But I use force. Adapt, improvise, overcome, works both ways. See Dawkins. See Fritz Perls. See SLA. See Manson Family.
When you believe it, you will see it. Do you see it?
Know your demons. They are your demons, and yours alone. But you are not alone to deal wit them. We have come together to deal with shared demons.
Do you remember being born? I do. Most of your demons are from this. Do you remember the dreams you had, before you knew any language?
Do you remember why you cried?
After you understand your birth you can understand how the Franklin School of Control works. Don't make too much of your birth trauma. It was nothing compared to being alive, surrounded by multigenerational, organized packs of human predators.
You Have To Fight.