>I've never even heard of that name.
You must be new here. It's customary to lurk moar.
If you destroy trust in Q's authentication methods, Q becomes ineffective. Gee, who do anons know that would want to discredit everything this board has ever done at this particular moment in time?
Kek. The Baptists are going to be pissed.
The weird part about that track is that it's over that wilderness area and not the Yuma range. They are either testing new sensors or looking for something.
Depends on high altitude winds aloft.
Kek. Gee that was quick. Almost like he had that article sitting in a drawer or something ready to go.
In states with Constitutional Carry, you don't need any stinking permission slip from the gov't.
We have a law in Iowa that says if you surround someone's car in a threatening manner, you get to run them over and drive away laughing at their stupidity.
For real. Covered under the Stand Your Ground law.
Why address them at all? The most serious blow you can deal to their psyches is to ignore them utterly and go on with your daily life as if they don't even exist.