Anonymous ID: 1d8907 Plan B? June 6, 2018, 12:18 p.m. No.1651907   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1945 >>1955 >>1983 >>1999

I've been following Q from the beginning and have 100% supported this entire effort since the beginning. I've been digging and I'm not trying to cause a fuss, but I know a LOT of people follow Q and this effort and want to question a different perspective.


What if Q is legit, but we're all aligning ourselves to the wrong side of this. We look at Trump as GEOTUS. What if he is a false prophet and Q is psyop meant to confuse and prepare the sheeple for the slaughter? Like I said, I'm not trying to make waves, but look at it this way: This movement has given a voice and organized WE THE PEOPLE. I think WE THE PEOPLE should not BLINDLY be led by anyone. I can appreciate Q saying that they are not special and that it is all of us, but I don't trust anyone not in my sphere or family.


I've found things that make me question the plan. Like, what has Trump done to dismantle FEMA camps? What about the reports from last year about FEMA killing people during the hurricanes? We know they had the military going to houses unaffected by the hurricanes and taking people's guns during the crisis. What if that was more training? Why haven't the chemtrail planes stopped?


Again, I'm sorry to bring this up, but it's a legitimate concern. I'm not saying don't follow Q. Q gives me hope and I hope that we are on the right side. But I'm questioning whether there were ever sides at all or just the illusion of sides. Q tells us to trust the plan and originally was talking about Martial Law. I don't think Martial Law would necessarily be needed just to capture a bunch of foreign and domestic corrupt politicians and intelligence officers… What are we to do if they start rounding up Americans and sending us to FEMA camps in the name of Martial Law?


All I am saying is I trust no other man with the safety and security of my family than ME. So IF Trump is some kind of Jesuit sent to distract with Q and get everyone on board for FEMA camps and globalism disguised as Nationalism, then I think there needs to be a Plan B for WE THE PEOPLE, not including Q or Trump.


Like I said, I want to believe that Trump has been planning this purge of corruption for YEARS, disguising himself as one of them (Jesuits), but I'm also saying, what if the alternate is true and he's been with the enemy the entire time…? What if in the highest levels of government there are not "more good than bad" as Q originally stated?


If this is bigger than we could imagine, why can we not imagine a scenario where we are all being fooled. All I'm saying is GET AND REMAIN ARMED and GET AND REMAIN SKEPTICAL. Q has my allegience until the first sign that they are disarming citizens. WE THE PEOPLE need to keep ALL COMMS OPEN with each other so we know if ANYTHING turns into a LIE and starts to go south.


Maybe all this I've seen is disinformation as well, one cannot know, but it made me realize, there's nothing wrong with WE THE PEOPLE having a PLAN B that doesn't involve Q or Trump. What are we to do if we've all been fooled? Lie down and accept the coming slavery and end of days? NOT ME. Here is some of the stuff that has me skeptical:


Donald Trump changes family crest


Double Phoenix is Illuminati symbol, he paid to change it to this in 2012.


Donald Trump's 666 Connections


The Globalist Purge: UN Invasion, Martial Law, Walmart Closings, & FEMA Camps (3 Parts, each an hour long)