Anonymous ID: 77439b June 6, 2018, 11:12 a.m. No.1651310   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1340 >>1351 >>1441 >>1587 >>1885



To all of the female anons. In the last bread you were being trolled hard core by some very effective shill tactics. These shills are baiting and triggering you by deploying the "play on your emotional nature" shill tactics. They use derogatory and insulting language and insult the female body types etc…

Do not take the bait. Two of those posters had over 35 posts each. That is 70 posts plus your responses back and forth which totals around 10% of the bread. Guess what?


They just made you waste half an hour for nothing. This is their job and their sole purpose. If you don't fee them then they will go away. The more you argue the more intense and hateful their replies become. No self respecting man would talk to or speak to a woman that way so that tells me one of two things. You are talking to a bot or you are talking to some little cock smoking faggot being paid $20 a hour to distract us from our mission(sorry for the language). Point being there is no excuse for speaking to people that way. We are here to #MAGA not to shit and piss all over each other. So next time you reply think twice and don't get divided. Peace and love to all of my anons!



Anonymous ID: 77439b June 6, 2018, 12:29 p.m. No.1652031   🗄️.is 🔗kun


it's not flat and it's not round, both lies and limited hangouts just like everything else.



The North 'Pole' is what they don't want you to ask questions about which is why there is so much confusion and mystery around "Antarctica".

Look over here, not over there. Why is it do you think we call the North Star the Pole Star or Polaris? If you are actually interested you should check out toroidal electromagnetic fields and you will get closer to the truth than all in for flat or all in for round.