Anonymous ID: 7adef1 June 6, 2018, 11:45 a.m. No.1651628   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1660 >>1745

>>1651001 Digs on Bilderberg members, >>1651007, >>1651013, >>1651021, >>1651166, >>1651175,


Workin on Related Buildberg Dig.

Names that jumped out at me from

previous research:


Niall Furguson

Signed an Anti-POTUS open letter, Milbank Family Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University, Condemned 8ch directly,

Two Volumes on Rothschild history, one bio on Kissenger. World-class




KKR, Director CIA, US Army 4 star general


Gov. John hickenlooper

Colorado Govenor (major friendo to oil/gas), (Denver international airport AKA new world order airport)


Peter Theil

paypal co-founder $1.25m to Trump campaign Palantir


James H. Baker

Council of Foreign Relations, alumnus of Harvard's Advanced Management Program, MIT's Seminar XXI program, and the Army's Air Assault School. Current Director, Office of Net Assessment, Office of the Secretary of Defense


Burns, William J.

President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Former

ambasador to Russia, involved in Iran/Libya. HRC choice for sec. state had she won.


Cohen, Jared (USA)

, Founder and CEO, Jigsaw (countering extremeism) at Alphabet Inc

Worked for Condi Rice/HRC, Rhodes scholar, Council on Foreign Relations, Assange characterized him as aiding in the " titanic centralizing evil."


Horowitz, Michael C

Professor of Political Science, University of Pennsylvania Inspector General DOJ FISA Abuse.


Kissinger, Henry A.

Chairman, Kissinger Associates Inc.

(((Do i really need to say anything)))