Since we Anons are patiently waiting out Q blackout time, it's been bothering me how the Criminal Deep State has sneakily taken over our rights and resources. As Q wrote : AMERICA FOR SALE
Foreigners buying up the best parts of America - Examples :
*Jack Ma, richest man in China, bought a pristine 28,000 Acres of Historic Adirondack Park, which includes 9 miles of the pristine St. Regis river, with the finest brook trout fishery in the eastern US.
*World's largest pork producer Smithfield Ham was purchased by a Chinese company. China now owns 1 in 4 pigs raised in America.
Meanwhile, China makes it very difficult for foreigners to own a business in China. They want you to have a Chinese partner who has controlling interest in your company.
In Thailand and Vietnam, foreigners are not allowed to own land there by law.
Hussein paying SERCO with our taxpayer $Billions Dollars to carry out the Criminal Deep State eugenics soft kill programs on Americans.
Excellent article on this by The Millennium Report detailing many areas in which SERCO harms Americans:
Excerpt: On Jan. 02, 2018, a British Crown-controlled company named Serco Inc. was awarded a $610 million contract to manage FEMA Region 9 that covers Arizona, California, Nevada, Hawaii and the Pacific Islands.
On Jul. 16, 2013, Obama awarded Serco a $1.2 billion contract to run the Obamacare website. Serco also manages the air traffic control towers in 63 U.S. airports, and has been paid more than $95 million to run the U.S. Patent and Trademark examination processes.
In every aspect of our lives, poisoned water, food, air, money, healthcare, drugs, morality, media, natural resources…… is there any part that these Evil Scum have not stolen or destroyed ?