Great first step. After we all think it through for a while, why pay the money to the government via taxes, then receive the money back from the government to help pay for schooling for your children. Just keep your money in the first place and take the government out of the equation.
He never fails to be leaps ahead on the information. I've always wondered where he gets the info, and how he's stayed alive. It appears he is part of the op, getting info out ahead to those who will listen. This covid thing is one of many things on which he's been way ahead of the rest.
A long time ago, George Carlin asked the simple question, and I paraphrase here: Have you ever noticed the women anti rape activists are women you wouldn't want to fuck?
Looking at this individual on the thumbnail, first thing that comes to mind. 'They' may never have need for an abortion.
Nice steal
First thing I thought of, too.