Pray, If your Red words are any indicator it is that your yelling at Whomever Here instead of getting your shit straight With The Almighty.
Sweet we can't wait.. Thanks for Ip hopping too! so blocking you is akin to continually reapplying cheap Mosquito spray..
You participate Here by posting in Red approx.
87% of the time..Yelling, Caps lock-screaming your woes here..This is an observation. Usually when a thing compulsively bellows with no end it is trapped or dying. I suggest since God runs the show that You PRAY. Just a suggestion.. or by all means LARP away it is your right.
If they are clones they at least seem to be a better quality clone..They tend not to glitch out..
Speak for yourself wounded bird..
We are all wounded in some way you silly bastard.
Kek, well I congratulate their efforts and their ability to generate coinky dinks/numbered connections within the Q frame work..