Q's tripcode was used, after a suspicious tripcode salt rotation.
Whether Q posted… that is to be determined by deltas, AF1 pics, etc.
Chain of validity is ruined. Too much time has passed and admins can do what they please.
Q's tripcode was used, after a suspicious tripcode salt rotation.
Whether Q posted… that is to be determined by deltas, AF1 pics, etc.
Chain of validity is ruined. Too much time has passed and admins can do what they please.
>I can view logs of private boards and verify their actions.
>but no, I cannot rotate salt cause I'm in a hotel. That is just… improbable.
>Let's see what the next posts are like.
>If nothing, no big whoop IMO.
>America is still winning. The Evil is coming out into the Light.
On an individual level, God wins. I was very much hoping we could eject Satan as a collective.
Let's see how this can be done. How sweet would it be to have Q publicly lead the charge against the satanic forces once again.