Ignorance shill.
Ever heard of trustlessness in cryptography? It means things are F&G by default. Until verified it's F&G, and every bit of evidence that adds to fuckery being afoot makes it that much more F&G
External sauce?
Hahahah. YOINK.
Ignorance unverifying fakeQ shills be like
TikTok has people doing retarded stuff just to laugh at the state of culture. Gamifying whatever they want. People eating ridiculous stuff? Children playing dangerous games? why noit. TikTok is where retards go
You literally shilled ignorance. You're dumb as hell.
They are technically incorrect. Coercion did take place, and the left knows it. This is the left gaslighting you into accepting coercion.
Ad hominem against a useless claim? RIIIIGHT. You really are retarded. You have no idea what you were supposed to verify. You ever hear of Q, you ignorant buffoon? GUESS WHAT, I DO NOT GIVE A FUCK IF YOU VERIFY YOURSELF. YOU'RE ANON!
"plz no meen tweets"
I'm laughing at how retarded you are. As if I would give a fuck about verifying (you) for such a large ego you don't realize you're anon. Absolute simpleton. Hint for you: It's because you keep saying the same dumb shit like anyone gives a fuck.
At the next unplanned salt rotation and until the next salt backup. Duh.
Good on you. o7 Remain steadfast. Many people fall for the lies. Glad you do not.