Anonymous ID: b448f1 June 25, 2022, 2:18 p.m. No.16517151   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7734

Lauren Boebert up now.

From the CSV of the 963 banned from Russia, including top ten language translations:

$ grep -i lauren AFTER_963_of_963_the963.csv |grep -i boebert

Лорен БОБЕРТ,Lauren Opal Boebert,член Палаты представителей от Республиканской партии (шт. Колорадо),Lauren BOBERT,Лорен Опал Боберт,Member of the Republican House of Representatives (Colorado),劳伦·博伯特,劳伦蛋白石博伯特,共和党众议院议员(科罗拉多州),लॉरेन BOBERT,लॉरेन ओपल बोएबर्ट,रिपब्लिकन हाउस ऑफ रिप्रेजेंटेटिव्स के सदस्य (कोलोराडो),lauren bobert,Lauren Opal Boebert,Miembro de la Cámara de Representantes Republicana (Colorado),Lauren BOBERT,Lauren Opale Boebert,Membre de la Chambre des représentants républicaine (Colorado), , , (),লরেন বোবার্ট,লরেন ওপাল বোয়েবার্ট,রিপাবলিকান হাউস অফ রিপ্রেজেন্টেটিভস (কলোরাডো) এর সদস্য,Lauren BOBERT,Lauren Opala Boebert,Membro da Câmara dos Deputados Republicana (Colorado), , , ()

Full CSV (can't attach CSV files here apparently):

Anon's not sure why she's in the list. She's saying things that sound good. But that list…

Anonymous ID: b448f1 June 25, 2022, 3:06 p.m. No.16517636   🗄️.is 🔗kun


kek, LOVE the ending, she can't make sense of his words about Jesus Christ. Evidence of a hardened heart. Our goal is to get through these barriers, and help share repentance of Romans 10:9 with them, before their final breath.

Won't be funny if she dies unrepentant.