>Prayer Time Soon
>Get ready, it's going to be Biblical
More and more people are waking up to your exstence, Father God, our Lord and savior. It can be felt around our world, through our emotional connections to each other and every living thing, including the earth beneath our feet. Unexplained energies permeate the very ground beneath our feet and emanate through to our soul, for all, I thank you Father God and through the blood of Jesus your Son, the Christ, I will radiate it out to all those I love and in my proximity so that they may benefit from your love as well. Amen
fuck off, it's prayer time, say something nice to our Lord, Father God and Jesus the Christ. Perhaps they will see mercy upon you and bring you back to your girlfriend.
Oh my gosh! I actually almost shed a tear in joy for this , your revelation. You are loved, anon. United, we can conquer your demons and hopefully bring you back to the one you love.
Seek the protection of God in faith and practice, pray every day, especially before bed. Empower your children with the faith to banish the demons themselves. God Bless you.