Anonymous ID: 258a8c June 6, 2018, 12:47 p.m. No.1652177   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2223 >>2576 >>2753

>>1650602 (Bread #2076)

>>1650760 (Bread #2076)




Mandarin Oriental Hotel Fire in London happening now.


Mandarin Oriental Hotel Fire in Beijing in 2009. That hotel in Beijing was designed by Dutch architect Rem Koolhaas.


Rem Koolhaas is best buds with spirit cooker Marina Abramovic. Rem Koolhaas was the lead architect for the Marina Abramovic Institute which was supposed to happen in Hudson, NY in 2017. The MAI project was scrapped, but the millions of dollars that had been donated for the institute wasn't returned to the donors. Instead, the MAI said that money had been used to pay Rem Koolhaas for his "design plans".


Saw the post in Notables about Joris Demmink, former employee of the Dutch Government & spider in the Pedoweb.


Any Dutch name I see on here, I do a search for their name + Rem Koolhaus to see if it turns up any connections.


Search Joris Demmink + Rem Koohaus.


This isn't (overtly) connected to Demmink, but one of the first few links it brought up was this weird post talking about the Mandarin Oriental Hotel fire in Beijing in 2009. It mentions Rem Koolhaus being the architect and seems to be a post refuting a "conspiracy theory" that the fire was intentional and draws comparisons to 9/11.




Text from the post:

The Oriental Mandarin Hotel by Rem Koolhaas in the Chinese capital Beijing was completely destroyed by fire on Monday. It is suspected that the fire was caused by fireworks that were chipped at the celebration of the Chinese New Year. Despite the enormous heat, the construction remained intact.


Now there is a fire in a high building somewhere in the world, or the Zappies treat us again to unscrupulous logic. Please read: "This sheds a whole new light on the fires in the Twin Towers and WTC7 in New York on 11 September 2001. Except if you already believe that these three skyscrapers in a perfectly directed media spectacle by before (. ..) placed explosives are destroyed. "


That the hotel in no way resembles one of the WTC towers and also was much smaller (44 floors), apparently does not matter in the eyes of Zappies. That the hotel at the bottom had a kind of rocket shape with a wide-ranging base also not. That no plane should cut through the columns of the construction, we must also forget. No, "this sheds a whole new light on the fires in the Twin Towers". Just like last year, the fire in the Faculty of Architecture of TU Delft, where the plotter could not even distinguish a support bar from a doorknob.


"If you are still of the opinion that you have collapsed by fire flats on 9/11, you have earned the honorary presidency for the Anonimes Naivelingen," a smart guy named City Surfer tells us. Because before you know it, towers have become 'flats'. And they will also never collapse."


Again, not necessarily connected to Demmink, but Rem Koolhaas being tied to the Mandarin Oriental Hotel chain, and there being a possible theory that the Beijing fire in 2009 was intentional…. add that to Koolhaas being besties with Marina Abramovic… now another fire at the Mandarin Oriental hotel in London……


More digging to do….