Anonymous ID: 2f0612 June 6, 2018, 12:38 p.m. No.1652101   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2119 >>2145 >>2712 >>2804

Humans are a funny lot.


At this point where people are starting to think for themselves, not all but a sufficient quantity for now, I pose a thought experiment.


Imagine for a moment that people determine who Q is without a doubt. In the world of politics, we have already seen an insidious creeping disease: that of social consensus. It is the disease of the young and that of the feeble-minded. Those with the most intelligence either grow out of it and start to see the real, rational world, or they become a part of it as they become consumed into the hole - losing their individuality.


Imagine the unmasking of Q. Now, imagine the high priesthood, the cult of the social. Think how Q would interfere with the mission of the republic; of the cult of Q.


Think of those followers, the ones who listen but never hear or understand. What would be worse? To be adored, placed upon a pedestal, deified yet never understood, unheard and drowned in the noise of the cult? To be immersed in a social consensus that devours competition and the things that make America great?


It is a path of rejection, infamy, and debasement; but it is a path where a few, a select few, will start listening and learning. Not to the parables and the lies, not to the social consensus, but to the competitive nature of All that Must Be. Moreover, we see those people taking the message better than the originator ever could sell it. Growing the knowledge and the ideas as a medium that incorporates itself into the very genetics of society.


What path do you think would be taken?


Imagine the integration of new and old ideas and technology in ways that alter the very path of society. Moreover, imagine this as a multi-decade plan. Not one where people tell you that you cannot see the future because it is too hard, but one based on the hardest path. This could be a path of unending knowledge, constant learning; a path of delving into the depths of everything people know, like, or unlike. Imagine a path incorporating the reading of all you despise to gain knowledge and incorporate it into your own.


Imagine that Faustian bargain. To give up all adoration for knowledge. Who would choose that path; and more importantly, after seeing it: who else would choose to follow?

Anonymous ID: 2f0612 June 6, 2018, 1:52 p.m. No.1652752   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2802


>Here I am.

Once Again.


I'm torn into pieces.

Can't deny it, can't pretend.


Just thought you were The One.


Broken up, deep inside,

but you won't get to see the tears I cry.


Behind these PAX6 eyes.