Anonymous ID: 36688f June 6, 2018, 12:44 p.m. No.1652151   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>1651865 (lb)


Well I was an idiot and deleted my cookie so I lost the one I didn't back up that I had hacked together myself.


Here are a few examples to get you started:




Annoy the NSA\SHILLS:


Formatting Tools:


I used to have some code from another site that put a menu bar at the top which showed post rates as a graph, and had buttons for 'next q post' and 'next (you)'. An anon had set up a custom website where you picked which features you wanted and it spat out a JS with just those features.


I wouldn't advise just pasting random code into the site though, read through it first and make sure you understand what it is doing, so you can tweak it later and know it isn't doing anything weird


Maybe some other anons can post what they are using and we can make a resource about it to add to the stickies? It has been a LONG time since any userscripts where put in notables..