Anonymous ID: 40e05a June 6, 2018, 12:53 p.m. No.1652224   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2228 >>2685


Now Mueller wants all the participants in his investigation to turn over their cellphones. Of course the Fakenews is reporting about it in the context of "Russia collusion" but anons who are a little better informed understand the ramifications to all involved. In particular he wants to see their apps like "What's App" "DUST" "Confide" and "Signal" all apps that can help in hiding-masking-deleting Text Messages.

I wonder if this will link to all the private Comms the Hussein/Clinton Syndicate use! This could be HUGE

Anonymous ID: 40e05a June 6, 2018, 1:15 p.m. No.1652418   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I think the anon is saying something like this: The Fakenews/MSM at "evening News time run the same exact stories, sometimes in the same order. In those stories are IMPLANTED words and or phrases. The next day or whatever, when the talking heads on cable perform their act, the talk about these stories using WORDS which They end up defining something other than what the "norm" may be. People eat this shit up and "determine" these words' meaning by the intentionally jaded Fakenews/talking heads' implanting of ideas.

Did ya ever talk to an uninformed person about, let's say Trump, say, "what do ya think about Trump"? Their answer will be what they heard on these programs. but when you ask them for details/proof they don't know what to say except, "I heard it on the news"

Now I don't know about you but, I've learned a lot here! One thing I learned is what to watch and listen to, what they are really saying. Then use alternate means to verify or defy the facts of the message.

Take Care Anon, peace out!

Anonymous ID: 40e05a June 6, 2018, 1:29 p.m. No.1652540   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I believe that your post is the reason that, when the normies find out about the chans, they will eventually and unfortunately for some people here who like things here relatively quiet, the will come here in a WAVE! You do need a spine here. When ya get right down to it, there really isn't anything bad displayed here. The tit'n ass pics along with a few politically incorrect words attributed to a few races or nationality is NOT THAAAAAAT BAD!