Anonymous ID: b8db1f June 6, 2018, 12:50 p.m. No.1652203   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Facebook Gave Data Access to Chinese Firm Flagged by U.S. Intelligence


Facebook has data-sharing partnerships with at least four Chinese electronics companies, including a manufacturing giant that has a close relationship with China’s government, the social media company said on Tuesday.


The agreements, which date to at least 2010, gave private access to some user data to Huawei, a telecommunications equipment company that has been flagged by American intelligence officials as a national security threat, as well as to Lenovo, Oppo and TCL.


The four partnerships remain in effect, but Facebook officials said in an interview that the company would wind down the Huawei deal by the end of the week.


Facebook gave access to the Chinese device makers along with other manufacturers — including Amazon, Apple, BlackBerry and Samsung — whose agreements were disclosed by The New York Times on Sunday…


…United States officials are investigating whether Huawei broke American trade controls by dealing with Cuba, Iran, Sudan and Syria. The Trump administration has taken aim at Huawei and its rival ZTE in recent weeks, and in April the Federal Communications Commission advanced a plan to bar federally subsidized telecom companies from using suppliers that are considered national security threats.

Anonymous ID: b8db1f June 6, 2018, 1:27 p.m. No.1652524   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Hurricanes Are Slowing Down and Leaving More Damage When They Hit Land


Hurricanes are slowing down – and leaving behind a lot more damage when they make landfall, according to a new study.


The study, published in the journal Nature, found that since 1949, tropical cyclones have decreased their speed by an average of 10% worldwide. The change is even more dramatic in storms that have made landfall from the North Atlantic – they’re moving 20 percent slower.


The result is more rainfall and more damage to buildings as hurricanes hover over population centers for longer periods of time.


Yea, with the help of HAARP…