Whatsup faggots? It's been so damn long since I've been here. Glad to see you autists out here listening to God and helping humanity. Can't believe real Q is back lmao o7 sir.
old Q was clearly fake and gay.I disagree with you bc of the deltas of this one. Seems organic.
Ezra also retweeted this iirc.
We all have our glory days, anon.
> It's mostly just /leftypol/, feds, faggots from reddit and shareblue niggers all trying to demoralize us.
Yes /pol/ is AIDS. I stopped coming here entirely around J6 but kept up with whatever the retards on Telegram were talking about in regards to Q. I just wanted to see what the general consensus was around here since I think this is the real Q that posted.
The only salt rotation going on here are the shills seething because NCWIS. Speaking of which, have anons pointed this out yet?
National Child Welfare Information Study (NCWIS)
lmaooo my exact sentiment. fren, cheers old pal.
>took the easy way out
>doesn't realize hell awaits him upon death
Comfy. Now I am just waiting for the public declassification board headed by ECW to have people publicly hanged for their traitorous acts against the US. [F] and [D].
to be clear: /pol/ definitely is better than here. That's like comparing two monkeys assholes to each other though.