shitters ^^^
this has a fast beat
The fake President of the USA fell down stairs and off his bicycle…and gas is $7 a gallon.
draggin' confirmed
apparently she was Greta level IQ with money issues
Bush Senior naming Bay of Pigs invasion Operation Zenyata….an oil co he was part of in Texas.
who will ever have access to our files? bury it forever
this is the reason for this place and the whole fucking internet… would take 3 hours and an excel spreadsheet to prove Senate and Congress and Corporate America are the easiest layup of a RICO case ever……
but the SWAMP has the Republic's best interest at heart and it is way above the Republic's pay grade to have access to info that should be publically accessible….
Immigration is needed to get a majority who has no idea what the fuck is going on
40% of the twatter accounts are farmed in Israel at Mount Mossad
KEK the nipple guy is the face of misdirection
love that song
Rubenstein is very mad at Justice Thomas
Frodo was a Hobbit!
The town just made the Police Chief take a leave of absence….zero chance of anything coming out of there resembling a fact.