50 Nation Destroying ACORN JEWS were (((convicted))) of voter fraud and will be sentenced to live out their lives in Tel Aviv at American Goyim Taxpayer expense.
>how much jewing can a nation take?
Apparently, and thanks to the FUCKING BOOMERS, America can take more jewing than all of the other nations that experienced pernicious jewing, in all of recorded history.
Truth Hurts.
Get over it.
>so Jane Roe said she was raped and so she couldn't be forced to deliver the baby, how did this turn into a woman's right to abort her baby for any reason at all?
Jews can't kill us themselves, but apparently, they are masters at getting us to do it for them.
The jew appeals to the weak ass "Christian."
Fortunately, the goyim are waking up and will start killing the jews where ever they are found.