"US DAILY MILITARY" is not sauce, sorry.
Also, nobody should spend ANY time listening to a computer generated voice reading text from who the fuck knows where.
Thanks, though.
"US DAILY MILITARY" is not sauce, sorry.
Also, nobody should spend ANY time listening to a computer generated voice reading text from who the fuck knows where.
Thanks, though.
>So what do all of those people do if the vast majority of those jobs disappear one day? Starve?
Stay home and enjoy the AC output of their free-energy devices, while tending to their home-made gardening robots?
You missed the memo where it's made clear that Khazarian Mafia Jews use Neo-Nazis as a tough, protective coating. Catch up, k?
Sorry for your troubles, sir.
On the face of it, yes, CIA/Neo-Nazi (not original WWII Nazis - different ethics completely) run Ukraine, but that regime is just a puppet of the globalist, devolved Pagan, Satanic Cult.
Pray for Putin. He has engaged Satan's Army.
>Oh shit, son.
>This guy is unhinged, a snapshot of liberal lunacy
ehhh. He's probably just angling to get laid.
Knowing he's forever out of the running for a Righteous Woman, he'll take what he can get.
Very top of every thread.
The defense ministers of Germany, Denmark, Belgium, France, Netherlands, and Spain all have vaginas from heaven that will save us from the evil men who plot to destroy the world in dark oak-paneled rooms with top hats and cigars, and yet even with vaginas, they all canโt stop themselves from sending endless trains filled with deadly weapons of war to the cocaine comic in Ukraine.
That shit music tho