my neighbor recently axed me for fun with a small red axe with oak wooden handle to demonstrate what you are saying, funny coinkidink
>just spit balling, please fill me in
If we are going from dark to light, we can leave the darkness behind in a thread, generally watch what happens, and peek into the future by learning the best ways to get there?
then we can also maybe split up the general into something like:
YESTERDAYfor historical research and archived news and digs (slower thread)
TODAYfor what's HAPPENING now, so the GENERAL remains the (fast thread).
TOMORROWlearning to code/decode/decrypt for it's for our future, this is what I would like for multilingual as well. (slow)
Just hit them with your car, right
>Is that a picture for ants?
This is an exceedingly annoying problem here, the upload script should reject any thumbnails being re-uploaded if it matches the size of the thumbnails.
And if your picture happens to be the same size as the thumbnails here, you are -indeed- doing it wrong!
>Someone needs to "lead the band" so someone must post as Q.