Anonymous ID: 82b5f3 June 26, 2022, 7:56 a.m. No.16526460   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6520 >>6596 >>6731 >>6847 >>6882 >>6956


They decide to muhjoo and nigger shill because they want NEW EYES to 'associate' this movement with those names that already have a bad smell: Hitler, White Supremacists, etc, all intended to turn new eyes away to keep them asleep, and to occupy the minds of Anons to reduce the throughput of research digs.

In other words, these racist pieces of shit want the world to associate to 8kun what is true about their own dialectic inversion psychology.

They want the world to accuse this site and its participants of being the very racist and antisemitic they themselves are, so as to give their PARTNERS IN MSM enough 'objects' to make THEIR smears of this site as 'fact based, because just look at the racist posts on 8kun!'.

It's nothing but a rotten, diseased, wrap up smear operation to SUPPRESS THE FORMATION OF TRUE INFORMATION OBJECTS IN THE MINDS OF THE POPULATION.

Every time the stupid low shills effectively beg and plead with you to 'ingest' their narrative (most common tactic they use is to falsely portray their accusations as some sort of standard of truth reference by which the world is trapped and obligated into 'disproving' their accusations, with the accusers as judge and jury of all 'reactions' to the 'problem' they claim to have identified outside their own self alienated narcissistic minds, as if their own psychological issues are a 'reflection' of problems 'outside' their minds and in the minds of others based on concepts dividing humanity, such as race, religion, class, sex, political affiliation.


Anonymous ID: 82b5f3 June 26, 2022, 8 a.m. No.16526489   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Good thing everybody’s anon right?

Another necessary ingredient to awakening the population, to permit Anons to make honest mistakes AND NOT BE SMEARED FOR THEM AS ABSOLUTIST.

Anonymous ID: 82b5f3 June 26, 2022, 8:24 a.m. No.16526672   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6701 >>6847 >>6956


Think deeper.


These puppet's script writers are trying to attack and 'transcend' God's creations.

To carry a human inside another human according to natural law is 'intolerable' to these psychos trying to become Gods but only crashing inward on themselves.

They see the LOGIC of pregnancy itself as a 'fetter' because women need to be in the workforce 365/24/7 so as to extract energy from them in the form of tax dollars which permits the 'LENDERS' to lend more to the government and more interest.

These psychos prefer to have all procreation in a lab, so that women can be maximally enslaved to the 'human life' as defined by pedovore Satanists, and away from the 'divine life' as defined by one source logic of a unified creator.

Anonymous ID: 82b5f3 June 26, 2022, 8:30 a.m. No.16526740   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It was going well until the trusting victims of the satanic ritual narrative were accused of being demons themselves.

It's the logic/narrative that carries the evil.

Anonymous ID: 82b5f3 June 26, 2022, 8:37 a.m. No.16526798   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6831 >>6904


>But look at you

But look at the information, it is proved or disproved by ratiocination, not by unmasking the background of the author.

Racism isn't necessary, that's just a satanic dialectic inversion to treat division and hate as 'necessary'.

It's an ancient myth of tribal warfare to fight for scraps in a pre capitalist world.

Racism is a lie, for it falsely attributes the truth or falsehood of information to the background of the author.

Take any statement.

By your inconsistent logic, we'd have to treat it as BOTH TRUE AND FALSE, depending on the background of the author of the statement.

Racism is only 'necessary' if a HUMAN CREATED GOAL is to divide and turn people against each other so as to ideologically control and dominate the people.

It's not necessary to those brainwashed with division code to keep them weak.

Your post is a pathetically weak attempt to elevate ancient myth and ancient forms of predatory society hierarchies to the level of rational philosophy, science, and knowledge.

Your 'interpretations' of happenings ARE THEMSE,VES SELF REFERENCES TO TRUSTED 'REACTIONS' TO DIVISION LOGIC, nothing more.

Anonymous ID: 82b5f3 June 26, 2022, 8:44 a.m. No.16526858   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>trying to sound more clever than you really are

Projecting your own envy and jealousy has no bearing on the truth or falsehood of anything Anon wrote.

You failed.

Your response is proof you're out of cognitive ammo.

That's exactly consistent with what I wrote about your stupid 'code' being a crude ancient, pre industrial pre information age tactics to 'dominate the conversation/narrative'.


Seethe again you worthless division fuck.


Anons enjoying your panic.

Anonymous ID: 82b5f3 June 26, 2022, 8:49 a.m. No.16526915   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>tribalism is what kept entire people's alive and allowed their kind to evolve throughout all of history

This is a statement SOURCED by the same nwo 'old guard' a priori axiom of self division, self introduction of separation and conflict, and then pretending that that division is sourced externally, so as to dialectically invert back on itself as somehow merely a 'reaction' to it.

Tribalism has held humanity back. It is itself an ex nihilo narrative designed by self dividing ideologues to 'justify' their own hatred and contempt for 'outside the tribe' human population.

"Allowed their kind" -There is only one humanity, by even introducing the notion of a divided separated 'kind', you're already introducing the very 'problem' you're falsely claiming tribalism is needed to 'solve'.

Nice try mocking the cabal captured SPLC.

Anonymous ID: 82b5f3 June 26, 2022, 8:53 a.m. No.16526952   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6970


Thanks for proving my point, shill.

You can't engage the message because your 'old guard' logic depends on dividing the PERSON, which Anon isn't doing.

Anon is human, undivided by race, and UNIFIED.

You stupid low IQ retard shills can't compete using ratiocination because you're too busy trying cover up the hollow emptiness that is your entire worldview, by complaining and yammering about the world's history makers.

Anonymous ID: 82b5f3 June 26, 2022, 8:59 a.m. No.16527014   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7037


Thanks for proving Anons correct again, shill.

Keep going, you're just displaying your own rotten diseased dialectic of division at source.

You're pathetic.

So pathetic you can only whine on 8kun and beg for engagement of your own warped psychology that isn't anyone else's problem except your own.