Holy FUCK there's a lot of shills. All for a larp?
I hope so. I hope we tells us to migrate to truthsocial. This website has served its purpose, but let's be honest, this website fuckin' sucks.
Some dumbass boomer will misunderstand what we're saying and be like, "DURRR NO OUTSIDE COMMS DURR"
nah no trip code
I'm SUPER skinny, yet I'm stronger than girls who have more muscle mass than me. I don't fucking get it.
stfu boomer, you're just a bitch-ass boomer who likes to boom quake and drink pepsi. OWNED AND ALPHA-MALED
you mad, bruh? yeah, you mad. Got you triggered. I'm living rent-free in your head. KEK, owned.
'cause you got alpha-maled. You don't belong here, shill.
I want to create my own virtual reality and live in it. Of course I would have to create it, because if big tech creates it, YOU KNOW what it'll be like.
I want to live inside virtual reality. Boomers will respond by posting Cypher from the matrix, which is the most boomer thing you can do KMAO. Guess what. This reality's fake too.
Jim. Tell Q to post today.