Anonymous ID: 4e82e2 June 6, 2018, 3:10 p.m. No.1653367   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Keeping tabs on the other side. Senator Feinstein sent this out to all of the people on her e-mail list. I have not seen it in the news anywhere.

Basically, she's saying that the Democrats of the Senate Judiciary committe conducted their own investigation into Trump aides meetings with Russions and hoping to get dirt on Clinton.

I can't see where trying to get dirt on your political opponent comes anywhere close to collusion, but a normie Democrat reading her summary could pretty easily conflate the two. (On the otherhand, wasn't the whole "pee pee dossier" thing dirt on a candidate procured from foriegn powers for the purposes of getting dirt on a political opponent?)