Anonymous ID: 73592e June 6, 2018, 3:17 p.m. No.1653424   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3486


OK, since were nice I will give you a little better answer.

First, the argument over gravity is actually a mute point.

There is TONS of other evidence about the false globe they have been sellling.

I know all your saying. I know it's what THEY have taught the world.

But I also know, their lying.

An atom is too light to pull down but a planet is too heavy to pull away.

Since you are so knowlegable about this then you also KNOW that gravity is only a UNPROVEN THEORY… peirod.

But trully, if your being honest about disucussing truth (and not clding the water intentionally) on this subject then I suggest

you don't get caught on ONE crumb.

Dig deeper