4th Q post will be for the celebration of the freeing of the Jan 6 POWs who haven’t died yet.
The cabal now is laughing
The anons are still strung out on hopium and addicted to Q like a codependent woman is to her abusive and vanishing partner when he returns from a bender.
The military is now vaxxed and woke.
Q isn’t communicating with the military here.
If we were the military we would have taken up arms and fought for Trump’s win when America fell on Jan 6.
This board is a video game at best.
Distraction to keep you docile in real actions by allowing you the illusion of fighting with anonymous backed words.
Get out of this place and do something real.
Cuz if they are real POWs then we don’t feel like we are winning.
This whole place creates camaraderie around illusion to keep you disengaged in REAL life.
What happens when you think you’ve cornered an animal but it’s all an illusion?