Thank you, Baker!
Is everybody in?
Those aren't bees, those are fish.
>Q Tripcode is still whitelisted.
Save some shill narrative destroying for the rest of us. KEK!
Thank you, BO! o7
>Frenly reminder shills make money on engagement. ffs
Which explains why the prefer quantity over quality: Any retard can do it.
Where are the parents of those boys? How are they okay with this?
They're regrouping and scheming.
She hate-washed those friggin' dishes so hard.
All businesses will. It's a lot cheaper to pay for traveling for an abortion that it is for maternity leave.
Prepared for anything the shills come back to plague us with. BO destroyed them with one post.
>his password was guessed
That's a bold claim to make. Until proven otherwise, my gut and experience of 4.5 years here tells me something significantly different than what you're telling me to think.