The rest of the PEOPLE to Awaken to the truth.
What we are waiting for?
What does their "Playbook" say?
Maidan Massacre like FF for a govt. capitulation to Marxist masters?
Just spit balling here.
They ghosted my records after I retired 10+ years ago.
It was the cipro and nerve agent pills the fucked me up… waiting for the burn pit exposure to kick in.
Certain things had to happen under Biden for optics and awaken the PEOPLE to who they truly are.
This may be my hunger but I think we need about 150m pepe mask made up to hand out to the PEOPLE and some mass marching in front of libtards… heheheh.
Just a thought… but think about it. On tv everywhere at every event.
Just think of the mental melt downs.
Nice… get them attacked by their own. Sticker that are nearly impossible to get off. Superglued